Dapper DEU's

Dapper DEU's


Tip Guide: Got any tips for looking sharp in DEU's? Any tips for their maintenance?

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Wipe your boots with a bottle of Pledge cleaner right before an inspection for a little extra shine.

Use your Logistik points allotment every year until you have 2 complete sets ready to go.

There are services out there that dip your boots in some sort of liquid, so that you never have to polish them again and they don't lose your shine. Not common, but it works

Burn shining can be very effective if you do it correctly. If you don't, you will ruin your boots beyond repair. Always have a proper pair as back up. They are free

Burn shining can give your boots an amazing shine. All you do is run a lighter over the area you will polish next, just for a second or two. The idea is it melts the polish, which allows it to be applied better.

Use cold water to shine your boots

If you are going to fill the lid of your polish can with water, ensure you dry it with a paper towel when you are done, every time! If not the lid will rust, and you will inadvertently scratch the crap out of your boots with little chunks of rust

Keep your DEU's in a suit bag at all times, until it's time for inspection. CFLRS is VERY dusty, so the suit bag will save you a bit of time with a lint roller pre inspection

Lint rollers work just as well on DEUs as they do on berets. A quick once-over of your DEU with one ensures you don't have any stray hairs, lint, dust, or threads on your uniform.